Sunday, July 15, 2012

Next song, and so on

I am happy with the response I had to Caller Number Ten. Well, as a song. No one has really guessed, so I suppose I'll just drop that side of the idea and keep making music. Life has been pretty crazy lately. And by crazy I mean swaying between somewhat cataclysmic to, ya know, alright. During times like that, I try to minimize my time around the internet. I don't want to write pity-party blog posts any more than you want to read them, and so, I avoid being online too often. I have been working on the next song, which is coming along pretty well. It's around 5 minutes long, and stylistically, I would call it more rock than...whatever Caller Number Ten was. I'd really like to feature a girl in the chorus, because I write from the Girl's perspective, and I don't want to sing that part. I featured Kyla Valenti and Corban Roberts in the third song, which I started before the other because it was a little bit complicated, and I didn't even really have a melody for it yet.

Also, today is the day my band Cliff Letters officially started our first album, which I'm both excited and nervous for. Both of those words are understatements. What I've written is something that I believe in, but fear that I can't do justice to. While we don't have a set list of songs, we have a body of about 20+ songs we could use. I want to make those into an album that can mean something to someone, that can have an impact on them; like the first time I listened to Funeral by Arcade Fire or Floating World by Anathallo. Not to say I want our album to sound either of those, I don't, but I do want to create something meaningful.

With all of that said, hopefully I'll have time to keep blogging, which I greatly prefer to vlogging, which is probably one of my least favorite things to do. Please recommend the Pen Saga to your friends, and email me if you have any questions/guesses.

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