So what exactly is the Pen Saga? Well, there is a girl. She wants a pen. The girl who wants a pen has a very, very epic story type thing, and, should you choose to participate in this wonderful, musical game, what exactly that story IS is up to you to decide. You see, rather than be straight forward about telling this story, I intentionally told the story in a muddled mass of musical ambiguity. Now, I'm trying to at least make this music pleasant. I did just buy ProTools after all, and I have the good fortune of living in Woodland Park, where musical talent is actually one of the constituent parts of the ground water. I will end up featuring a new local musician in every track. One of the biggest things I'd like to say about The Pen Saga, is its all about perspective. Multiple perspectives on one thing can make more out of that one thing than anyone would ever suspect. The sum of the parts becomes greater than the whole.
Even if the stories you guess are not right, I will post the ones that are more than two sentences in one blog post that will be put up three days before the next song is released. People vote on which story they think is the best/most accurate, and then the best one will be re-blogged the day the song is released. These songs will be released at:
For guesses/requests to play on a track email:
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